'Lives were shattered' by botched Garda inquiry

Morris tribunal: A mother-of-five has told the Morris tribunal that "lives were shattered" by the botched Garda investigation…

Morris tribunal:A mother-of-five has told the Morris tribunal that "lives were shattered" by the botched Garda investigation into the death of a local cattle dealer a decade ago.

Rosalind McBrearty broke down several times yesterday as she recounted how her husband Frank McBrearty snr was arrested on December 5th, 1996, on suspicion of interfering with witnesses during the investigation into the death of cattle dealer Richie Barron, a hit-and-run victim.

She later withdrew a statement in which she criticised the tribunal, saying it was "unfair". Ms McBrearty had complained that her son Frank McBrearty jnr was "torn to shreds" because he did not have legal representation when he gave evidence at the Morris tribunal earlier this week, and about the lack of legal aid to the family.

After Ms McBrearty finished her evidence, the chairman said he refuted any suggestion that Mr McBrearty jnr was "treated like a common criminal".


"I cannot remember any issue that arose during the currency of those reports that was decided otherwise than in favour of the McBrearty family," he said.

He said he hoped everyone at the tribunal would go away feeling they had got a fair crack of the whip when the tribunal concluded in six months' time.

Ms McBrearty said her family were "frightened people" after her husband and son were arrested. "I'm not afraid to say it to the people here, we were scared. We were afraid of what was happening to us.".

She said that during her husband's arrest, while gardaí searched her home, she sprinkled holy water around the house. "This is the way I was thinking, what kind of evilness is coming into my home," she said.

"I would say Frank felt like his blood pressure was very high. I would say he was in shock because looking back now, I would say we were all kind of in shock, when you see so many people surrounding your house and your family arrested," she said.

A doctor was called to the home during Mr McBrearty snr's arrest and administered blood pressure medication, the inquiry heard. He was admitted to hospital later that night.

Ms McBrearty said she did not know that her husband told a solicitor that two detectives said his son had made a confession when he was arrested on December 4th, 1996.