Man arrested over NI pensioner's murder

A pensioner found dead in her home was murdered, police in Northern Ireland said today

A pensioner found dead in her home was murdered, police in Northern Ireland said today. The body of Tilly Campbell, (77) was discovered in a house in Barnagh Park, Donaghadee, at around 6am yesterday after the fire service was called to reports of a fire.

Police Service of Northern Ireland det chief Inspt Sean Wright said: "We have launched a murder investigation because of the circumstances in which Tilly was found.

"One person has been arrested and we believe that Tilly died a violent death," he said. "I have a very clear appeal to those people who knew Tilly and had any contact with her on Sunday, October 8th, to get in touch with us.

"We need to know her last movements and we also want to speak to anybody who was in the Cannyreagh Road and Barnagh Park areas between 2am and 6am on Monday."


Police operated extra patrols in the seaside town last night, and the senior detective said they were following "a definite line of inquiry".

The mother of four was living on her own and was well known in Donaghadee. She used to work at a carpet factory. Her husband died two years ago.

Det Wright added: "We're following a number of different lines of inquiry and we still need people's support. We need people to come forward and help us with these lines of inquiry."

He added that he wanted to reassure the local community that everything possible was being done to investigate the murder.

Police have sealed off the area around the Co Down house and have taken forensic evidence from the scene as their inquiries continue.

Northern Ireland Policing Board member Brian Rea condemned the murder. "This is a tragic incident, and my thoughts are with Tilly Campbell's family as they try to come to terms with their loss," the independent representative from Donaghadee said.

"Like everyone else in our community, older people have the right to live in peace. They should not have to live in fear of attack, especially in their own homes.

"I realise this is a difficult and worrying time for all those who live in Donaghadee, but I would like to reassure the public that the police are committed to protecting the community and are determined to apprehend the person responsible for this murder."