Man burned in arson attack on boats

A MAN is recovering in the burns unit of a Cork hospital following an alleged arson attack in Killaloe, Co Clare, at the weekend…

A MAN is recovering in the burns unit of a Cork hospital following an alleged arson attack in Killaloe, Co Clare, at the weekend in which one craft was destroyed and three others were damaged.

The man, who is in his 20s and is believed to be from the local area, was rescued from the water at Harbour Village Marina in Killaloe by gardaí after emergency services were alerted at about 8pm to a fire on board a boat which was moored there.

On arrival, rescue services discovered one boat ablaze while the fire had begun to spread to a second. Two other vessels were also damaged. The boat which was targeted was destroyed and later sank.

A man was spotted in the water and was taken to safety by gardaí. He sustained serious burns in what gardaí now believe was a petrol bomb attack on a specific boat. It is also believed that the man jumped in to the water after his clothing caught fire.


The man was formally arrested at the scene before he was taken to hospital in Limerick from where he was later transferred to the burns unit of Cork University Hospital for further treatment. His injuries are not life-threatening.

It is expected that he will be released from hospital possibly tomorrow and taken to Killaloe Garda station for questioning in relation to the incident. Gardaí remained at his bedside last night.

The alarm was raised when a mayday message was picked up by Valentia Coast Guard Radio.

The local unit of the Irish Coast Guard was scrambled to the scene along with gardaí and units of the fire brigade from Killaloe and Ennis.

Supt Tony Kenneally of Killaloe, who is heading the investigation, has appealed for witnesses.

"There is a man in custody and he is recovering in the burns unit of Cork University Hospital. While he did sustain serious burns they are not life-threatening and we expect to interview him in the coming days.

"We would also ask that anyone who was in the Harbour Village area at around 8pm on Sunday, who might have witnessed this incident or saw anything suspicious should contact gardaí at Killaloe at 061 376242."