Man charged with burning home remanded

A former showband musician charged with criminal damage to the family home yesterday failed in his bid to be released on bail…

A former showband musician charged with criminal damage to the family home yesterday failed in his bid to be released on bail at Longford District Court.

Mr Gerry Davis (62) was remanded by Judge John Neilan to Castlerea Prison until January 4th.

The defendant's wife, Ann, alleges her husband burned the family home to the ground last Wednesday night, and said she feared he would kill her.

Mr Davis, has been charged with criminal damage to the family home at Esker North, Drumlish, Co Longford, and also with assaulting his wife and investigating officer Garda Donal Madden.


It is alleged Mr Davis went on a drinking spree in Drumlish after the funeral of a neighbour last Wednesday.

When his wife refused to pick him up from the pub, he got a taxi home and is alleged to have kicked her and shoved her to the floor.

He allegedly threatened to burn the house down. Mrs Davis says she escaped in the taxi that brought her husband home.

Garda Madden said when he arrived 10 minutes later, a fire had started in a pile of papers in the living room.

Judge Neilan adjourned the case to his private chambers to spare Mrs Davis the trauma of giving evidence in open court, but the media were permitted to attend.

Mrs Davis said if her husband was let out on bail "you could bring me to jail and wrap me up. I'm not safe when he's out." Mr Davis, a self-confessed alcoholic who is a small farmer and part-time musician in local pubs, has denied the charge of burning the house.

"You can lock me up for as long as you like, but what you have heard here today was a pack of drummed-up lies.

"The house was burned before and I suppose I burned it then too," Mr Davis told Judge Neilan.

Mr Gary Davis, a son of Mr and Mrs Davis, also told the court he feared for the safety of his mother, his own wife, their two children and his home.

The defendant's solicitor, Mr Frank Gearty, denied his client was a danger to his family if released, and said he had never threatened them.