Man held over fatal stabbing of woman

A man is being questioned about the fatal stabbing of a woman in north Belfast

A man is being questioned about the fatal stabbing of a woman in north Belfast. The RUC has ruled out any sectarian or paramilitary motive for the murder and is investigating the incident as a domestic dispute. A second man, the boyfriend of one of the woman's six daughters, was also stabbed in the incident and is seriously ill in hospital. Police found the body of Ms Sally Diver (47), a grandmother, in the hallway of her home on the Antrim Road shortly after 5.30 a.m. yesterday.

It is believed Ms Driver attempted to block the attacker, who then stabbed her several times before wounding the other victim.

A number of Ms Diver's children and grandchildren were in the house at the time.

A Sinn Fein councillor, Mr Danny Lavery, a neighbour, said the local community was in a state of shock. He described Ms Diver as well known and well liked in the area. "She had been suffering from a serious illness and was only beginning to get over it. She didn't deserve this."


The man currently being questioned by police was arrested on the New Lodge Road shortly after the fatal stabbing.