Man jailed for raping his daughter

An east Galway man has been jailed for five years by Mr Justice Paul Carney at the Central Criminal Court for raping his nine…

An east Galway man has been jailed for five years by Mr Justice Paul Carney at the Central Criminal Court for raping his nine-year-old daughter.

The man pleaded guilty to one charge of raping her at her home and two charges of sexually assaulting her in 2002 and 2003.

Garda Gerry Fahey told prosecuting counsel Tom Creed that the first sexual assault occurred in 2002 and the other offences in the girl's bed in 2003.

The man admitted his wrongdoing in two statements at a Garda station. He said he did not say anything about the rape initially until she complained about it to gardaí because he was "shocked and afraid" at what he had done.


The victim's mother told Mr Justice Carney that her daughter was withdrawn and had become very angry. The girl did not wish to talk about the incidents, and was not very trusting towards men.

Mr Justice Carney said he had to take a very serious view of what the accused had done.

He certified the man as a sex offender, but said he did not believe it was necessary to order post-release supervision as he did not think he would reoffend.