Man ordered to attend anger course

A man who broke into a house and attacked a man who had earlier assaulted him received a two-year suspended sentence and was …

A man who broke into a house and attacked a man who had earlier assaulted him received a two-year suspended sentence and was directed to attend an anger management course.

Ian Cosgrave (20), Grange Wood, Rathfarnham, also had to pay €7,500 to Dublin Circuit Criminal Court for his victim.

Judge Desmond Hogan heard how the victim's mother lay on top of her son to protect him after Cosgrave and his brother burst into their home and began attacking him with a baton.

Cosgrave pleaded guilty to assault causing harm to the victim on April 26th, 2003. He had a number of previous convictions for public order offences and assault.


His brother, Michael Cosgrave (29), was given a two-year suspended sentence last June and paid €10,000 compensation.

Charges of assault causing harm to the victim's mother and of criminal damage and the production of a weapon were also taken into account in both their cases.

The court heard that Ian Cosgrove had gone to a 21st birthday party at De La Salle rugby club in Kilternan when he was headbutted and had one of his teeth knocked out by the man he assaulted in revenge.

The following evening the brothers knocked on the victim's door and pushed their way inside.

Both the victim and his mother were taken to hospital where she received treatment for bruising and his ankle was put in plaster.

Mr Brendan Grehan SC said Ian Cosgrove was just 18 at the time and had run up dental bills of more than €3,000. The victim had admitted to headbutting him in the rugby club.