Man thrown on street like a 'sack of spuds'

A witness in the case of nine people charged in connection with the death of Swedish street trader, Lars Forsmark, in New Ross…

A witness in the case of nine people charged in connection with the death of Swedish street trader, Lars Forsmark, in New Ross, Co Wexford, in July 2003, told the jury yesterday Mr Forsmark was thrown on to the street like a "sack of spuds".

The comment was made by Mr Colin Coleman, who said he and his friends - including Mr Forsmark - decided to play pool and entered Wickham's pub, having previously been in another pub.

"We were playing for money and it was a friendly game," he added.

According to the witness shortly after the pool game ended a group of people began chanting anti-English slogans. "We got up to go and were attacked from all sides."


He said that when the group got outside they realised Mr Forsmark was still in the pub. "I heard the door slam shut and sound like it was bolted, and I banged on it because I feared for Magnus's safety."

Mr Coleman said the door opened after about five minutes and the owner of the pub appeared with two others and "threw Magnus on to the pavement like you would a sack of spuds on to a lorry".

He said he went to his friend's assistance and placed him on the bonnet of a nearby car.

"He started to slide off so I placed him gently on the ground with some coats under him," Mr Coleman added.

He said Mr Forsmark looked limp when he was removed from the pub by the owner: "His eyes were open but he was staring into infinity."

Under cross-examination, Mr Coleman agreed that he and his party had consumed a lot of alcohol on the night, but disagreed that they had started the fracas in the pub.

When it was put to him by senior counsel for one of the accused that he and one of his friends had attacked Mr Owen Lennon by pulling his ear and hitting him with a pool cue, he replied: "I completely disagree with you."

He then said it was the job of the legal representation for the accused to "discredit anyone who gets in the witness box, but my friend died - you try to discredit that".

Seven of the defendants - who are all from New Ross - face charges of violent disorder and endangerment: Mr Raymond Kelly, Brandon Park; Mr Lennon, Barrack Lane; Ms Sinéad Kane, Bosheen Estate; Mr Anthony O'Leary, Bosheen Estate, and brothers, Ian, Stephen and Jonathan Bolger, Nunnery Lane.

Two more defendants, Ms Noeleen and Mr Seán Wickham, Wickham's Pub, Mary Street, face charges of endangerment and intent to pervert the course of justice.

Ms Kane also faces a charge of assisting offenders.

All nine have pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The trial continues today.