Managers support partnership deal

Support for the proposed new partnership programme was declared yesterday by the union representing managers in the Civil Service…

Support for the proposed new partnership programme was declared yesterday by the union representing managers in the Civil Service and State agencies, including An Post.

The Association of Higher Civil and Public Servants (AHCPS) said its members had voted by a majority of more than eight-to-one to accept Towards 2016, the agreement negotiated this year by the social partners. The result means that the AHCPS's four delegates will back the agreement at a special conference of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (Ictu) next month. The Veterinary Officers' Association has also backed the agreement.

More than 350 delegates from all Ictu-affiliated unions will be entitled to vote on the agreement, which has already secured the backing of major unions including Siptu, Impact, the TEEU and the INTO.