Marxism is bunk, says exdictator

Sofia -Bulgaria's former communist dictator Todor Zhivkov launched his 700-page memoirs yesterday, saying he had decided the …

Sofia -Bulgaria's former communist dictator Todor Zhivkov launched his 700-page memoirs yesterday, saying he had decided the Marxist theories by which he governed the country for 35 years were bunk.

"In my memoirs I am smashing the whole of Marxist theory. Marxism is mere nonsense and I am the first one to say that it is completely wrong," Mr Zhivkov told reporters at his granddaughter's villa in

Sofia's wealthy Boyana suburb.

Mr Zhivkov ruled Bulgaria from 1954, a year after the death of


Josef Stalin, until he was ousted by fellow party members in 1989.

Leading communists re-emerged in the Bulgarian Socialist Party, whose government lost power in February after demonstrations against economic hardship. - (Reuter)