Massive security operation in Genoa

Details of the massive security operation Italy has mounted for the three-day Group of Eight summit in Genoa starting today.

Details of the massive security operation Italy has mounted for the three-day Group of Eight summit in Genoa starting today.

  • At least 20,000 police and members of the army, navy and air force are involved in one of Italy's largest security operations ever.
  • Surface-to-air missiles were placed at the city's Christopher Columbus airport to thwart any possible air attack against the summit or planes carrying world leaders, most of whom were arriving today.
  • A red zone of about four square kilometres (1.5 sq miles), consisting of a large part of the historic centre as well as the port area,is off limits to all except participants, journalists, security forces and residents. Most stores in the area are closed, and many are boarded up.
  • The red zone includes the main street and square, the Renaissance Ducal Palace where the summit willtake place and the port, where all of the G8 leaders except US President George W. Bush will be housed on the European Vision, a new 58,600-tonne cruise ship. Mr Bush was to stay in a nearby hotel overlooking the port.
  • The approximately 240 entrances to the red zone, including many narrow alleys, are blocked off with highway lane dividers made of reinforced concrete and topped by six-metre (20-foot) steel fencing.
  • Some motorways that pass through the city are closed as well as some underground rail stations.
  • The airport was closed to commercial traffic and unauthorised boats will not be allowed to get near the airport, which is on the waterfront.
  • Port activity is restricted.
  • Most demonstrators are camping out in the levante on the east side of the city. The city has provided toilets, water and baths in the area.
  • Police are armed with anti-riot gear, including helmets and shields, live ammunition, rubber bullets, batons, water cannon and armoured personnel carriers to face demonstrators expected to be wearing helmets, gas masks, goggles and rubber padding.
  • Police also had sniffer dogs and crowd control horses wearing padding.
  • Strategic points are being manned with sharpshooters, and key factories and defence installations had special security.
  • The heads of state will be taken to and from the Ducal Palace and the cruise ship docked in the port by car but there are contingency plans to take them by helicopter or boat if necessary.
  • Hospitals are on alert in both Genoa and neighbouring cities. Leave for all medical staff was cancelled during the G8 summit.
  • Manhole covers have been soldered shut with lead seals to avert any attempt at a subterranean intrusion into the red zone via the many underground tunnels in the old port city.
  • A special pool of four magistrates has been set up at the city's courts to deal with the legal aspects of any arrests during the summit.