Mayor says target is Chirac

Paris - The Mayor of Paris, Mr Jean Tiberi, involved in a growing corruption scandal, accused his foes yesterday of using him…

Paris - The Mayor of Paris, Mr Jean Tiberi, involved in a growing corruption scandal, accused his foes yesterday of using him to try to undermine his friend and ally, President Chirac.

"There is a global destabilisation operation afoot which encompasses the president of the Republic," Mr Tiberi told Europe 1 radio. Speaking the day after police took his wife into custody for seven hours as they pursued graft investigations, Mr Tiberi denied he or his family was guilty of any wrong-doing.

"I will stay mayor of Paris," Mr Tiberi said. "I am untouchable." But left-wing opponents rammed home accusations that Paris's long-standing conservative administration had been guilty of corruption and hinted that Mr Chirac, the previous mayor for 20 years, himself might become embroiled in the enquiries.