McAliskey release sought

A Dublin Fianna Fail MEP, Mr Niall Andrews, is to give details of the Roisin McAliskey case to the President of the European …

A Dublin Fianna Fail MEP, Mr Niall Andrews, is to give details of the Roisin McAliskey case to the President of the European Parliament, Mr Jose Maria Gil-Robles. Ms McAliskey, who is staying in a London psychiatric hospital with her 5 1/2-month-old daughter, is being held in Britain on foot of a German extradition warrant.

Mr Andrews told the Parliament yesterday the issue related to civil liberties and human rights above all else. Appealing to the German and British MEPs to make representations to their governments to release Ms McAliskey, he said the case had gone on long enough.

"I appeal to the ordinary English people who showed a strong sense of decency and justice regarding Louise Woodward to apply similar energy to Roisin's case."