McCreevy to meet EU officials over reprimand

The Minister for Finance Mr McCreevy is to meet EU officials this morning in an effort to have last February’s recommendation…

The Minister for Finance Mr McCreevy is to meet EU officials this morning in an effort to have last February’s recommendation over his budgetary policies dropped, or modified.

However, it is expected that most EU finance ministers are likely to uphold their original reprimand for containing inflationary measures.

EU finance ministers meet in Luxembourg today to agree a final text for the 2001 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines, which will then be approved at next week's summit in Gothenburg, Sweden.

February's recommendation was based on the EU’s belief that tax cuts and public spending increases in last December's Budget breached the 2000 guidelines by fuelling inflation.


EU officials also say that Thursday's referendum on the Nice Treaty is unlikely to affect today's discussion on the EU's Broad Economic Policy Guidelines for 2000.

Mr McCreevy is expected to argue today that t events have shown the EU's anxiety over Irish inflation to be misplaced.