McGuinness casts doubt on grammar schools' future

The North's Education Minister, Mr Martin McGuinness, has cast doubt on the future of grammar schools in the North, saying the…

The North's Education Minister, Mr Martin McGuinness, has cast doubt on the future of grammar schools in the North, saying the controversial 11 plus exam had to go simultaneously with the scrapping of academic selection.

Mr McGuinness also extended the consultation period on the Burns report, which has recommended the abolition of the 11 plus transfer test, from May 17th to June 29th. The majority of the North's 10-year-olds currently sit the tests, which determine whether they will attend grammar or secondary schools.

Addressing the Assembly's Education Committee, the Minister said it was the selection according to academic ability that was the real crux of the matter.

"What limited discussion that has taken place has been confined to universal support for the abolition of transfer tests. However, there does not seem to be widespread appreciation that this can only be achieved if academic selection is also abolished," Mr McGuinness added.