Memorial service for late maritime historian, activist

French singer Jean Ferrat's rendition of Raconte-moi la mer and music evoking the River Boyne by flautist Brian Dunning recalled…

French singer Jean Ferrat's rendition of Raconte-moi la mer and music evoking the River Boyne by flautist Brian Dunning recalled memories of maritime historian Dr John de Courcy Ireland at a special service in his honour in Dublin at the weekend.

The late linguist, pacifist and political activist, who died two months ago aged 94, loved music, loved France and viewed the sea as a "channel of communication" rather than an "obstacle", a large congregation was told.

In a tribute, RTÉ journalist Tom MacSweeney recalled how John once wondered why this planet was called Earth rather than Ocean, when so much of it was covered by water.

His passion for the sea had been nurtured as a young merchant seaman, and he had campaigned with success on many maritime issues, such as State recognition of the role played by Irish mariners during the second World War.


In politics, "many had differed from him" and he had latterly described himself as progressing from "radical" to "radically mature", MacSweeney said.

He had been honoured for his work by many countries and had been bestowed with life governorship of the RNLI for his service with the DúLaoghaire lifeboat. Among all the tributes, he was most proud of the plaque erected in Dún Laoghaire's People's Park to mark the pacifist work he undertook with his wife, Betty.

The RNLI, the Naval Reserve, the Naval Association and Dún Laoghaire/Monkstown Sea Scouts formed colour parties for the service, which was led by the Rev Kevin Dalton of Monkstown Church of Ireland parish, assisted by the Rev Bill Darlison of the Unitarian Church, with Fr Martin Clarke of Monkstown chapel participating.

Readings were by grandchildren Michelle Sullivan and Daniel Mahony, and two pieces of music played by flautist Brian Dunning were composed by Michael Holohan.

President Mary McAleese was represented by her aide- de-camp, Capt Michael Treacy, and Taoiseach Bertie Ahern was represented by his aide-de- camp, Cmmdt Michael Murray.

Family members included Dr de Courcy Ireland's daughters, Moneen and Rosamund, his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.