MEP challenges opening of Irish Box fishing zone

The European Commission has failed to produce any scientific evidence to back up its proposal to open up the Irish Box, according…

The European Commission has failed to produce any scientific evidence to back up its proposal to open up the Irish Box, according to the Connacht-Ulster MEP, Mr Seán Ó Neachtáin.

Almost five months after the Commission supported open access to the fishery zone by Spain, the lack of any sound scientific justification for it "beggars belief", Mr Ó Neachtáin told the European Parliament's fisheries committee this week.

Mr Ó Neachtáin has been appointed by the committee to oversee the enactment of the new EU regulation on future fishing rights in Atlantic waters, which will have serious implications for the 50- mile Irish Box. The Box was established on Spanish and Portuguese accession to the EU and was intended to protect the sensitive area from Europe's largest fishing fleet.

The European Commission has asked Spain and Ireland to sort out the contentious issue of continued access, but Ireland is insisting that it can only be negotiated at community level.


In January, Spain stopped sending in its periodic list of up to 40 vessels licensed to fish in the protected zone, but the Government is not enforcing the status quo until the legal position is clarified with Spain and the EU. The Government has directed the Naval Service not to detain any Spanish vessels which do not have licences for the Box.

Mr Ó Neachtáin said the existing regulation supporting the Irish Box "remained" until such time as it was replaced by a new regulation. "The area encompassed by the Irish Box is a rich fishing area with a high concentration of juvenile fish and spawning grounds," Mr Ó Neachtáin said.

He has proposed establishing effort levels for each fishing zone within western waters, including designation of the Box as a distinct zone. Access to these zones would reflect effort levels in recent years by fleets from individual EU member-states, he said.

He also said that the specific co-ordinates of the Irish Box must be set down.

"We must all approach the political issue of granting future fishing rights in Atlantic waters and within the Irish Box with responsibility . This is a Community matter and must be resolved by means of a Community solution."

The European Parliament is expected to vote on the issue within several months.