MEP questions O'Flaherty move

The President of the European Parliament, Ms Nicole Fontaine, has been asked to examine the nomination of Mr Hugh O'Flaherty …

The President of the European Parliament, Ms Nicole Fontaine, has been asked to examine the nomination of Mr Hugh O'Flaherty to the post of vice-president of the European Investment Bank. The Labour MEP, Mr Proinsias De Rossa, has written to Ms Fontaine saying that the appointment was "a matter of concern to many people in Ireland who are committed to an open and transparent Europe".

In his letter to Ms Fontaine he questioned the appropriateness of an EU government making such an appointment, which appeared to be contrary to the statutes of the EIB. He also questioned the lack of qualifications for this position on the part of the Irish Government's nominee; the lack of transparency in the procedures for such appointments; the effective exclusion of EU citizens generally from applying for such posts; and the apparent exclusion of the parliament from screening appointments to the EIB, particularly appointments to the board of governors and board of directors.

He asked Ms Fontaine to intervene on behalf of the parliament to ensure that European law and the prerogatives of the parliament were respected.