Merrion merriment

IT would take a lot to excite the Dublin social scene these days but Thursday night's bash to celebrate the Merrion Hotel's first…

IT would take a lot to excite the Dublin social scene these days but Thursday night's bash to celebrate the Merrion Hotel's first anniversary stimulated even the most jaded of palates. A kilted piper greeted the guests as they arrived into a hall dominated by huge ice sculptures. From then on it was decadence all the way - the Merrion had obviously decided to spoil its guests rotten. There was sauteed foie gras for each guest, oysters nestled on a bed of ice and lobsters were whisked around on silver trays. The champagne, of course, was flowing.

As well as accepting compliments for the hotel, its general manager Peter McCann was also showing around pictures of his two babies - both born since he started work with the hotel.

Those present included the Lord Major of Dublin, Joe Doyle and his wife Peggy Doyle, and the British ambassador, Dame Veronica Sutherland who was spotted chatting with RTE's Marian Finucane. Also there were the Hon Desmond Guinness, publisher Kevin Kelly, Paul Kelly of Brown Thomas and designer Marian Cody.