Midland TV company plans farming channel

A midlands company, Farm TV, which broadcasts farming television programmes in 24 of the country's largest marts, is looking …

A midlands company, Farm TV, which broadcasts farming television programmes in 24 of the country's largest marts, is looking at establishing a fully-fledged farming channel.

"We are in discussions with a number of bodies with a view to setting up a proper farming channel. There is no-one providing technical information on farming to farmers, and there is definitely an appetite for this kind of programming among farmers," said Mr Malachy Mangan, who runs Farm TV in Tullamore, Co Offaly, with co-director Mr Harry Hill and a staff of five.

"We are looking into setting up a channel which will fill the void, and which could be broadcast in a variety of ways - through any of the many channels available through companies like Chorus and also on the internet. There might even be an international dimension to it and we are actually talking to a company in Australia at the moment.

"RTÉ doesn't provide technical farming programmes like this. A programme like Ear to the Ground is a very good rural living programme, but we believe there is a market for programmes that would provide relevant information on farming to farmers."


The proposal for a farming channel forms part of Farm TV's submission for a national enterprise award in Mullingar, Co Westmeath, tomorrow. The company recently won the Offaly Enterprise Award for 2004 and tomorrow they will include the farming channel initiative in their pitch for the national award.

"A farming channel is a huge undertaking and we won't be able to do it on our own. But we are actively pursuing the idea with a number of bodies," said Mr Mangan.