Milosevic refuses to meet UN lawyers

The Hague - Mr Slobodan Milosevic refuses to recognise a team of UN- appointed lawyers to assist his defence and won't have any…

The Hague - Mr Slobodan Milosevic refuses to recognise a team of UN- appointed lawyers to assist his defence and won't have any contact with them, his Belgrade lawyer said today. Mr Zdenko Tomanovic said the former Yugoslav president rejected any help at his forthcoming genocide trial.

"By taking action, any of the appointed lawyers are becoming accomplices in a staged political process against the Yugoslav leader who defended the country against the NATO aggressors," Mr Milosevic told Mr Tomanovic.

Although they will not represent Milosevic, the three lawyers are assigned to ensure that his rights and interests are protected so he gets a fair trial, the court said.