'Mirror' runs front page apology to British army

The Daily Mirror has issued a front page apology for publishing photographs of British soldiers apparently abusing an Iraqi prisoner…

The Daily Mirrorhas issued a front page apology for publishing photographs of British soldiers apparently abusing an Iraqi prisoner which were later found to be fakes.

Piers Morgan stepped down as editor and just a few hours later the paper hit the streets declaring: "Sorry .. We Were Hoaxed."

The black-bordered editorial said: "It is now clear that the photographs the Mirrorpublished of British soldiers abusing an Iraqi were faked."

The apology met the demands of the the Queen's Royal Lancashire Regiment at the centre of the claims.


Colonel David Black, an ex-QLR commanding officer, last night voiced "quiet satisfaction" at Mr Morgan's departure.

Col Black had earlier said: "It's time that the ego of one editor is measured against the life of the soldier."

Mr Morgan yesterday insisted he would not resign, saying: "We published the truth."

But hours later the paper admitted in a statement it had been the victim of a "calculated and malicious hoax".

The statement said: "The Board of Trinity Mirror has decided that it would be inappropriate for Piers Morgan to continue in his role as editor of the Daily Mirrorand he will therefore be stepping down with immediate effect."

The editorial said: "We apologise for publishing pictures which we now believe were not genuine.

"We also say sorry to the Queen's Lancashire Regiment and our Army in Iraq for publishing those pictures."