Mitchell's outburst

THE outburst on abortion by FG's Gay Mitchell this week did not pass unnoticed by his colleagues, of all persuasions, in Leinster…

THE outburst on abortion by FG's Gay Mitchell this week did not pass unnoticed by his colleagues, of all persuasions, in Leinster House. There was immediate speculation that he, and not his brother Jim, might declare for Europe in June. Why else, some asked, jump headfirst into a topic that most want desperately to avoid.

Then there was annoyance that he was opening up something that was being dealt with behind the scenes by the Government's expert group, and by his words was attracting the fire of fervent lobbyists towards all politicians as they saw an opening for increased zeal. Why, indeed, should a single member give his moral direction to all, they asked. Sources in FG reported the leadership was furious and young Mitchell would be spoken to.