Mobile masts fees could pay for playgrounds

A Dublin local authority is seeking to fund the construction of a series of new children's playgrounds through the erection of…

A Dublin local authority is seeking to fund the construction of a series of new children's playgrounds through the erection of mobile phone masts on council land.

Dún Laoghaire/Rathdown County Council has compiled a "wish-list" of 25 locations, where mobile phone operators want to erect communications masts.

If the council were to grant permission for the masts it could earn up to €500,000 a year in rental fees, a sum which would be "ringfenced" for playground funding, according to the local authority.

Mr Richard Shakespeare, the council's senior executive officer in community and amenities, said it needed to look at possible new income streams given an expected shortfall in funding for its €5.6 million playground strategy.


"Between development levies and potential government grants we reckon we could get €2.5 million to €3 million, which would still leave us with a lot to find. Under the circumstances, we have to look at alternative means of funding."

While he admitted mobile phone masts were not popular among residents, "nothing has been proven or disproven regarding health concerns".

He added: "If we don't do it a local church might stick one (a mast) in their car-park, or a local pub will have one on the side of the building, and there will be no benefit to the council."

The plans, however, have been criticised by Independent councillor, Mr Gearóid Ó Keeffe, who said they could result in masts being built next to playgrounds, thereby posing a potential health risk to children.

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column