More tests to be done on dead man

The State Pathologist, Dr John Harbison, is to conduct further tests in an attempt to determine the cause of death of a Thurles…

The State Pathologist, Dr John Harbison, is to conduct further tests in an attempt to determine the cause of death of a Thurles farmer who was found lying outside his home with head injuries last Thursday. Gardai have confirmed that a post-mortem examination conducted on the body of Mr Edmund Ryan (45), of Cormackstown, Thurles, had produced no evidence of foul play.

Mr Ryan's death is still being treated as suspicious and gardai are anxious to trace the man's movements last Wednesday.

Mr Ryan's body was found lying face-down on the lawn of his two-storey farmhouse at Cormackstown at lunchtime on Thursday. The body had been discovered by a relative who was visiting the house. A married man with three children, Mr Ryan lived alone.