Moscow mystery

The Council of Europe met in Strasbourg on Wednesday

The Council of Europe met in Strasbourg on Wednesday. Some 20 worthies including Minister Liz O'Donnell, Tom Enright TD, John Taylor MP and Kevin McNamara MP spoke on the Belfast Agreement. All was harmony and peace. But there was an extremely mystifying element. Listed to speak was one Vladi- mir Zhirinovsky, the Russian who is so far to the right he defies description.

At a press conference in Moscow some years ago he launched into an attack on British imperialism and declared himself a supporter of the IRA. He continued the anti-imperialist theme, saying that Lenin was a wimp for giving Finland its independence and when he came to power he would take it back. Then in a convulsion of hyperbole he announced that he would also take back Alaska from the Americans. What a pity he didn't address the council. He could have put a whole new perspective on Northern Ireland.