Motorists warned after third Luas collision this week

Luas operators today called for motorosists to be more aware of the trams following a third collision with a car in five days…

Luas operators today called for motorosists to be more aware of the trams following a third collision with a car in five days.

Motorists urged to take more care
Motorists urged to take more care

This morning, at around 6.30 a.m., a car collided with a Luas tram on Upper Abbey Street and the driver of the car had to be taken to the Mater Hosiptal.

"The accident today underlines the need for road users to be aware and to observe the traffic lights and road markings at Luas junctions," a spokeswoman for Luas operators Connex said.

Yesterday morning three people had to be taken to hospital when the car they were travelling in collided with a tram at Blackhall Place.


The Fine Gael Transport spokeswoman, Ms Olivia Mitchell, said drivers need to respect red lights at Luas junctions. "If they continue to play Russian roulette and don't cop themselves on it is only a matter of time before they kill themselves or cause a serious accident killing others," Ms Mitchell said.

Progressive Democrats Transport spokesman Mr Tom Morrissey, called for Laus warning signs to be made more numerous and visible.

"It is not sufficient to say that road users need time to get used to sharing road space with the Luas. People need to be made more aware of the dangers and a simple remedy is to increase the number and the visibility of the warning signs," hesaid.

Meanwhile there are reports that a child was injured near the Luas line in Milltown.

It is understood that the boy, cycling across the track, saw a tram appraoching and panicked. He is believed to have been injured when he fell from his bike.

The Luas tram did not strike the boy.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times