Mourners at funeral told not to listen to rumours

Around 150 people gathered yesterday for the funeral service in Waterford of Ms Paiche Onyemaechi, the 25-year-old Malawi woman…

Around 150 people gathered yesterday for the funeral service in Waterford of Ms Paiche Onyemaechi, the 25-year-old Malawi woman whose body was found in south Kilkenny last weekend.

The mixed service of hymns and readings took place in St Patrick's United Presbyterian and Methodist Church in the city. It was attended by several members of the murdered woman's family.

Her father, the Chief Justice of Malawi, Mr Leonard Unyolo, who flew to Ireland on Wednesday, led the mourners.

He was joined by his daughter Lucy, son Leon and Paiche's sister-in-law Thoko, as well as the Malawian honorary consul, Fr Patrick O'Mahoney.


The dead woman's sons, Anthony and Andrew, aged three years and 18 months, were also present in the church. They were being cared for by their relatives.

Paiche's Nigerian husband Chika, who, it has now been confirmed, has been missing since Thursday, was not present.

Rev Dr John Parkin told mourners from the altar that Chika's whereabouts were now unknown. He appealed for anyone with information to come forward to either himself or the Garda.

At the same time, he urged members of the African community in Waterford not to engage in the spreading of rumours.

"Leave the investigation to the police," he said, "who will leave no stone unturned. So far, they have conducted themselves with extreme sensitivity and I've every confidence that justice will be done."

At the start of the service, Rev Parkin expressed his deepest sympathies to the woman's family, saying "evil" had been done and what had happened was an "outrage" which affected everyone.

The purpose of the ceremony, he said, was to give dignity to one who was denied dignity in death.

Mr Leon Unyolo, brother of the dead woman, spoke of his "lovely sister" who was also a great friend.

She had touched the hearts of many, he said, through her compassion and kindness.

A strong gathering from the community of Piltown, Co Kilkenny, where the woman's body was discovered, were present at the brief funeral service.

Father Paschal Moore, parish priest of Piltown, said: "When Paiche's body was discovered last Friday, not only were the two people who found her saddened and shocked, but the whole community was devastated," he said.

He wanted to assure her family that when they returned to Malawi, they should know that their daughter and sister would always be in Piltown's prayers.

After the service, a cavalcade of black cars brought the family to St Otteran's Cemetery where the burial took place.