Moves to reopen squash club

Moves to have Squash Ireland's facility in Clontarf, Dublin, reopened by next week appeared unlikely to succeed last night.

Moves to have Squash Ireland's facility in Clontarf, Dublin, reopened by next week appeared unlikely to succeed last night.

Members of the club, which went into receivership on December 23rd, were told at a meeting this week that the Westwood health and fitness company was prepared to take over the centre within days.

However, it is understood that a number of interested parties have approached the receiver, Mr John Mooney of accountants John Gleeson and Co, with a view to acquiring Squash Ireland's facilities in Clontarf and Dartry.

The receiver held a meeting yesterday with officials from the Department of Education, which owns the site. A Department spokesman said it was prepared to be flexible in agreeing new lease terms with any party which was prepared to maintain it as a sporting facility.