MRSA counselling may be provided by HSE

The Health Service Executive has said it is looking at providing counselling for individuals and families affected by MRSA.

The Health Service Executive has said it is looking at providing counselling for individuals and families affected by MRSA.

The confirmation came yesterday after the MRSA and Families support group said seven people with the antibiotic-resistant superbug had died over the past 10 days.

Support group founder Margaret Dawson said the seven had died at different hospitals across the State and she had been contacted by their relatives. They were absolutely certain the bug was a factor in the deaths.

"In most cases those people had been suffering quite a long time and while they may not have been told in the beginning that the patient had MRSA, they were told as the end came nearer," she said. "For me it is very, very disturbing."


Ms Dawson, whose husband is living with MRSA after contracting it in hospital, told Morning Ireland she also had been contacted by a suicidal young man who had MRSA.

"There is nothing out there for families and patients," she said. "We need counselling for people like that and we need a freephone line so people can make contact."

She urged the health executive to tackle the problem now. Next year was too late as people were dying, she said.

Dr Kevin Kelleher, director of public health with the executive, said he did not have any information to say whether the claim by the support group in relation to seven deaths in recent days was right or wrong.

"I would well imagine it is possible that seven people who have MRSA have actually died in that period because . . . invariably the people who have MRSA in hospital are also very ill from other conditions."

Dr Kelleher added there was no quick solution to trying to eliminate MRSA but progress was being made.

A spokesman for the executive said later that the provision of counselling for people bereaved by MRSA was being examined.