Mugabe swears in vice-presidents ahead of talks

Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe has sworn in two vice-presidents ahead of talks on forming a cabinet, a government official…

Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe has sworn in two vice-presidents ahead of talks on forming a cabinet, a government official said today, a move that could further endanger power-sharing negotiations.

It follows Mr Mugabe's allocation of important ministries to his Zanu-PF party at the weekend, angering the opposition. The MDC said it doubted mediation by former South African president Thabo Mbeki this week would get Zanu-PF to compromise.

A senior government official told Reuters: "The two vice-presidents were sworn in this morning because their positions are not in dispute."

The European Union could step up sanctions on Zimbabwe unless Mr Mugabe sticks to the terms of the accord.

"If the agreement is not applied we shall resume our sanctions and reinforce them," French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said in Luxembourg. France is EU president.

Existing EU sanctions include visa bans and asset freezes on top Zimbabwean officials including Mr Mugabe.

Opposition Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai said yesterday his party could walk away from a power-sharing deal he signed with Mr Mugabe if Mr Mbeki's latest mediation failed to end deadlock on dividing key ministries.

"The visit provides a platform and opportunity for Zanu-PF to reverse its unilateral action," MDC spokesman Nelson Chamisa said. "The Zanu-PF mindset is not consistent with power-sharing. It cannot be power-sharing when one party controls all key ministries."

Mr Mbeki, who scored his biggest diplomatic coup last month when he nudged Zimbabwe's bitter political rivals to sign a power-sharing deal, is expected in Harare later today.

A government notice on Saturday showed Mr Mugabe had allocated three key ministries to his Zanu-PF party, drawing fire from the opposition and threatening the fragile pact.

Mr Mugabe handed his party the ministries of defence, home affairs - which is in charge of the police - and finance which will be important in eventually reviving the collapsing economy.

Zanu-PF negotiator Patrick Chinamasa said there was only deadlock on the ministry of finance, but his party was committed to dialogue. He expected talks to start tomorrow.

"As far as we are concerned, the only contentious issue is the ministry of finance. The locomotive has been too long at the station and is now warming its engine," he told reporters, referring to the paralysis that has gripped the country since the March elections.

Mr Chamisa said there was no agreement on key ministries including justice, foreign affairs, information and local government.
