Munich police prepared for all eventualities at soccer match

Police in Munich said yesterday they expected 1,000 violent German fans to travel to today's World Cup qualifying game against…

Police in Munich said yesterday they expected 1,000 violent German fans to travel to today's World Cup qualifying game against England.

Mr Josef Strasser, chief of operations for Munich police, told a news conference: "We expect 1,000 so-called hooligans to come to Munich to cause trouble."

The statement came as police in England moved to stop scores of suspected troublemakers from boarding flights in the UK to Germany and other destinations within striking distance of Munich.

Mr Strasser said he believed police numbers - 800 from the city, including 300 trained in riot control, plus 300 border police who will patrol transports systems - would be enough.


"It's not the first match in Munich in which an English team has participated," he said.

He confirmed that though there would be an alcohol ban around the stadium for three hours before and three hours after the match, people could drink as much as they wanted in the city.

He said he expected that between 1,000 and 4,000 England fans would turn up without tickets, making a total of about 9,500 England fans in town.