Murder accused claims garda read personal poetry during interrogation

A murder accused interrupted his trial at the Central Criminal Court four times yesterday and claimed that a garda had read out…

A murder accused interrupted his trial at the Central Criminal Court four times yesterday and claimed that a garda had read out personal poetry during interrogation.

Mr Joseph Kinsella also accused Det Garda Patrick Hannigan of fabricating evidence and refused to stay quiet when told to do so by the judge.

Det Garda Hannigan was being cross-examined by Mr Paul McDermott SC on the second day of the trial of Mr Kinsella (47), of Corduff Grove, Blanchardstown, who denies murdering his Danish wife, Ms Bente Carroll (45), at their home on May 26th, 1999.

He agreed that gardai seized a poem or note Mr Kinsella wrote to his murdered wife but denied reading it back to him during interrogation. Mr Kinsella interrupted Det Garda Hannigan and said he had broken down when his poem was read back to him during questioning.


Earlier, Det Garda Hannigan read from a signed statement Mr Kinsella made to gardai in which he allegedly admitted beating Ms Carroll to death after she "nagged" him all day.

Mr Kinsella said in the statement he left his job about two weeks previously and that he and Ms Carroll had been drinking heavily. On the day of the killing, they kept drinking until about 11.30 p.m. and Ms Carroll starting getting "a wee bit narky".

Mr Kinsella told gardai he went to buy some fast food but dropped it on the way home. When he arrived back at the house, he found Ms Carroll lying on the floor. He wiped her face with tissue paper and shouted at her to get up.

The trial continues.