Murder inquiry opens after body parts found in canal

Gardaí opened a murder investigation today after body parts were taken from a canal in Dublin's inner city.

Gardaí opened a murder investigation today after body parts were taken from a canal in Dublin's inner city.

Garda forensic experts confirmed that the remains discovered in a section of the Royal Canal were human. Officers believe it is the body of a white man but do not know how long it has been in the water.

"It looks like quite a brutal incident", Chief Superintendent Michael Feehan told reporters in a briefing this afternoon. "Obviously we're at a very early stage and we will be awaiting the results of the postmortem investigation."

A passerby alerted gardaí last night after spotting the body parts in the water beneath a bridge off the Ballybough Road in the north inner city.


The remains, which are believed to have been wrapped in separate pieces, were found in several places in the water under the bridge. Chief Supt Feehan said he could not confirm what body parts were found for "operational reasons" but said they believed they belonged to a Caucasian male.

The remains were examined by forensic experts and the Deputy State Pathologist Dr Michael Curtis at the scene this morning. They have now been taken to Beaumont hospital for full examination.

The forensic team and officers from the Garda Underwater Unit will also be examining the location.

Gardaí are appealing for anyone with information on the remains to come forward.

Chief Supt Feehan added that anybody who was in the area over the last number of days or weeks, and who saw anything suspicious, should come forward.

He also called on anyone who is aware of anybody missing to come forward. He suggested that the killing of the man may have taken place elsewhere, leaving a second crime scene.

The investigation is being led from Fitzgibbon Street Garda station. Officers can be contacted on 01 6668400, or freephone 1800 218219.

In 2001, the badly beaten body of a Romanian man, Adrian Bestea, was found in a suitcase in the Royal Canal.