Musicians pay final tribute to Junior Crehan

Musicians from all over Ireland gathered in the west Clare village of Mullagh yesterday to pay a final tribute to Martin "Junior…

Musicians from all over Ireland gathered in the west Clare village of Mullagh yesterday to pay a final tribute to Martin "Junior" Crehan (90), the last in a line of great musicians who made that part of Co Clare a mecca for traditional Irish music and dance.

Although one of the outstanding traditional fiddlers, he also played the concertina and in his younger days had been an Irish dancer of note, traditions carried on by members of his family.

Junior Crehan was one of the founders 25 years ago of the Willie Clancy Summer School, which commemorated the great piper, who was a close friend of his.

Peadar O Riada played the organ and conducted the Cul Aodha Choir at the Requiem Mass in St Mary's Church, Mullagh. They were joined by the piper Liam Og O Floinn, who later played a lament at the graveside. There was a graveside musical tribute also from members of the Crehan family. One daughter, Ita, played a slow air on the flute. Another daughter, Angela, joined her on the concertina, while a grandson, Tony Crehan, who now lives in California, played the fiddle. They received musical backing from members of The Chieftains and other groups.


Mr Muiris O Rochain, vice-principal of St Joseph's School in Miltown Malbay, also one of the founders of the Willie Clancy Summer School, gave the graveside oration. He said that an era in the traditional life of west Clare had come to an end with the death of Junior Crehan.

Mr Crehan is also survived by his wife, Cissie, son, Patrick, and by another daughter, Margaret.