Naomi Campbell given more community service

BRITAIN: SUPERMODEL NAOMI Campbell was ordered yesterday to do 200 hours of unpaid community service after admitting kicking…

BRITAIN:SUPERMODEL NAOMI Campbell was ordered yesterday to do 200 hours of unpaid community service after admitting kicking and spitting at police officers as she "went berserk" when her luggage went missing during the Heathrow airport Terminal 5 baggage fiasco.

Following chaotic scenes outside Uxbridge magistrates court in west London - during which Sky News presenter Kay Burley allegedly grabbed a female photographer by the throat after being hit in the face with a camera - Campbell was ordered to pay £200 compensation to each of the police officers and £150 to the aircraft's captain.

The court heard the supermodel flew into a violent rage after a case holding an Yves Saint Laurent outfit she had been contracted to wear on a US chatshow disappeared as she was due to fly to Los Angeles.

After Campbell was told the news as she sat in the first class cabin of the British Airways flight she screamed obscenities, threw objects, thrashed her arms around, accused the aircraft's captain and police who attended of being racists, and wedged herself in her seat to try to stop officers removing her, the court was told.


The only other first class passenger took sanctuary in the aircraft's kitchen area.

Campbell (38), who was wearing "formidable" stiletto-heeled platform boots at the time, only stopped kicking when a police officer radioed a colleague asking for leg restraints. She later told them: "You can't arrest me; it's just because I'm black and famous."

Campbell pleaded guilty to two counts of assaulting a police officer, one count of disorderly conduct likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress, and using threatening, abusive words or behaviour to cabin crew.

Campbell sat quietly through the hearing after confirming her name and guilty plea.

In addition to the compensation she was ordered to pay fines totalling £2,300.

Campbell has a reputation for getting into fiery rows, and a history of run-ins with the law. Last March she spent five days mopping floors and scrubbing toilets in New York's sanitation department on a community service sentence for hurling a mobile phone which smacked her maid on the head. -