Naval Service detains 3 vessels

Three vessels have been detained in the past 48 hours by the Naval Service for alleged illegal fishing in Irish waters, writes…

Three vessels have been detained in the past 48 hours by the Naval Service for alleged illegal fishing in Irish waters, writes Lorna Siggins, Marine Correspondent.

A Spanish-registered vessel, the Galateca Doa, was escorted into Galway yesterday after it was detained 60 miles north-west of Slyne Head by the LE Eithne, under the command of Cmmdr Eugene Ryan.

Earlier this week, the LE Aoife detained the Spanish-registered Jersalem Argitasuna 150 miles south of Cork harbour for alleged under-recording of catch, retention of under-sized fish, and logbook offences.

The LE Deirdre detained the Irish-registered Ocean Reaper 50 miles west of Mizen Head for allegedly exceeding the monthly quota of monkfish.