Neeson stars for charity

Actor Liam Neeson yesterday donated his Star Wars light sabre for auction to raise funds to prevent the spread of HIV among children…

Actor Liam Neeson yesterday donated his Star Wars light sabre for auction to raise funds to prevent the spread of HIV among children.

The gadget will be one of the lots on offer in a movie memorabilia sale in New York on March 6th for the charity UNICEF.

Other items will include Julia Roberts's wedding dress from The Runaway Bride and Mel Gibson's sword from Braveheart.

Mr Neeson is leading the event, called Movie Action for Children. Proceeds will go to UNICEF's efforts to stop mothers passing on the HIV virus to their children in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Ivory Coast.


Auction house Sotheby's is host ing the event, after waiving its commission, with exhibitions of the items in Los Angeles, London and New York prior to the sale.