New by-laws may ban jet skis from Wexford beaches

Plans are under way to ban jet skis from some of Ireland's most popular beaches.

Plans are under way to ban jet skis from some of Ireland's most popular beaches.

Wexford County Council has proposed new by-laws which would banish jet skis and quad bikes from 21 of the county's beaches, including the highly popular beaches at Courtown, Curracloe, Duncannon and Rosslare.

A Department of the Marine spokesperson confirmed yesterday that a Bill is going through the Oireachtas which will give powers to introduce laws concerning the use of jet skis.

"Obviously individual county councils can also bring in their own by-laws for particular beaches," a spokesperson at the Department of the Marine said yesterday.


Members of Wexford County Council have warmly welcomed the proposed new by-laws. Some councillors have called for them to be extended to the River Slaney which is a designated habitat for salmon spawning.

Enniscorthy councillor, Mr Peter Byrne, said he has been approached by several angling and wildlife groups concerned about the increase in jet skis and speed boats on the Slaney.

"The river is a great asset for the people of Co Wexford but jet skis are going up to where people are fishing and using traditional draft nets," he said, adding that safety and environmental protection are key concerns.

Cllr Gus Byrne also raised the issue of safety and called for any future by-laws to be properly policed. "We need to see that the enforcements are enforceable," he said.

County manager Mr Eddie Breen emphasised that, if adopted, the by-laws would be enacted within a few months and would be effectively policed by both members of the community warden service and beach guards.