New part-time work rules sought

An Oireachtas committee has recommended significant changes to the rules governing payments to part-time jobseekers.

An Oireachtas committee has recommended significant changes to the rules governing payments to part-time jobseekers.

In a report, the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Jobs, Social Protection and Education said a system for part-time jobseekers which is based on the hours they worked each week rather than the number of days worked per week would be “much fairer and more equitable”.

Report author Anthony Lawlor said at present one person could work two 12-hour shifts over two days and be entitled to claim three days of benefits while another could work two hours over five days and not qualify at all.

The report recommends that part-time work should be defined as working 24 or less hours per week.


The committee warned that the new system could lead to an increase in the numbers on the Live Register.

However, it said the proposed new system would be a stepping stone to getting more people back into employment.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the former Washington Correspondent of The Irish Times. He was previously industry correspondent