NI couple deny holiday 'drunk' claims

A couple from Northern Ireland have strongly denied they were drunk and incapable of taking care of their children following …

A couple from Northern Ireland have strongly denied they were drunk and incapable of taking care of their children following an incident in which they were both taken ill while on holidays in Portugal.

Eamon and Antoinette McGuckin from Maghera in Co Derry issued a lengthy statement today after media reports that their three children were taken into care by Portuguese authorities because the couple were allegedly drunk in their hotel.

The couple were taken from their hotel in Vilamoura to a health centre in Loule after they arrived at the Aparthotel Mourabel for a holiday last Friday.

In their statement, the McGuckins said that “contrary to various reports” they did not consume excess alcohol when they went to a restaurant for a meal on Friday.


“They left their apartment at 7pm and went to the play park beside the restaurant where they stayed until 7.30pm.

“They then arrived at the restaurant where they ordered their meal and had their first alcoholic drink of the day. They moved onto the communal area where they played pool with other guests from the resort. The amount of alcohol they consumed between the hours of 8pm and 10pm would not have been sufficient to render them incapable of being responsible parents,” the statement said.

It had been alleged that, upon their arrival back at the hotel after they went out for dinner, Mr McGuckin (34) passed out on a sofa in reception while Ms McGuckin (32) fell asleep in the bar.

Local police said they were contacted by hotel staff at 10pm because the children were crying and they could not revive the parents. Both parents were taken to hospital and the children were looked after by social services. The children, aged one, two and six years, were later returned to their parents.

The couple said today they had been “distressed” when they were told by Portuguese authorities that they could not have access to their children after they were released from hospital.

The McGuckins were due to attend a hearing at the Family and Minors Court in Faro yesterday afternoon but did not appear and returned home. As there were no legal restrictions on their movement, there was no obligation for them to appear in court.

In their statement today, they said they were “deeply saddened and hurt” by the events of the past days.

“We live and breathe for our children and would never ever place them in any kind of danger. We hope that this traumatic experience is now closed as we want to get back to our normal routine of loving our beautiful children and getting on with life.”

They said they would not participate in interviews “and would therefore appreciate that we are left in peace with no further media coverage”.