NI education board reluctantly set budget

The South Eastern Education and Library Board backed away from confrontation with central government tonight voted through a …

The South Eastern Education and Library Board backed away from confrontation with central government tonight voted through a budget for next year containing spending cuts of over stg£4 million.

The decision came after a face-to-face meeting between the board and Education Minister Angela Smith and was carried after a split between political party board members and non-elected members.

Earlier in the day, the board decided not to set the budget but made a U-turn after meeting the minister.

The board said the resource allocation plan has been passed by three votes.


In approving the plan members expressed "grave concerns about the implications of proposed cuts in services contained within the plan".

Every political representative voted against the cuts but independents which pushed the budget through.

The decision was in stark contrast to that of the Belfast Board earlier this week which refused to "do the Government's dirty work" and pass a budget which would mean cuts of over £6 million.

South Eastern Board chairman, Rev Gary Haire said after the decision: "We all need to continue to press the Minister for Education and the Department for additional resources needed to ensure the continued delivery of high quality services for children in the board's area."

Secretary of State Peter Hain warned both the Belfast and South Eastern Board on Tuesday that if they failed to set a budget by next week ministers would do it for them.