NI farming chief may run for Strasbourg

The head of the Ulster Farmers' Union, Mr John Gilliland, may stand as a pro-Belfast Agreement and pro-EU candidate in June's…

The head of the Ulster Farmers' Union, Mr John Gilliland, may stand as a pro-Belfast Agreement and pro-EU candidate in June's European Parliament election.

Mr Gilliland insisted yesterday that his name was "not in the frame" at present because of his role as president of the UFU. However, that comes to an end next week, and The Irish Times understands that some of the smaller parties have been approached to unite behind a Gilliland candidacy.

None of the smaller parties, including Alliance, the Workers' Party, the Progressive Unionists and the Women's Coalition, has gone public on the idea should it emerge as a firm proposal next week. However, it is known that the decision to put up Mr Gilliland on an agreed platform endorsed by smaller parties is being actively considered.

Some believe that with the sitting MEPs, the Rev Ian Paisley and Mr John Hume, not standing in June, an opportunity exists to ease the hold on Northern Ireland's three EU seats by the main parties.