NI firm to build London 'green' buses

A Co Antrim company today won the contract to build the ‘greener’ red London bus.

A Co Antrim company today won the contract to build the ‘greener’ red London bus.

Ballymena-based firm Wrightbus has been awarded the tender to manufacture the eco-friendly version of the iconic Routemaster double decker.

The new bus will incorporate the famous open platform at the back, which will see a return of the traditional hop-on-hop-off service.

It will also provide 40 per cent better fuel consumption than conventional diesel buses, and 15 per cent better than the current hybrid buses.


Announcing the decision, Mayor of London Boris Johnson said he was confident Wrightbus could deliver the buses on schedule for 2011, ahead of the 2012 Olympic games in the city.

“Londoners have waited with stoic patience as work has continued behind the scenes to select the manufacturer to make the 21st century Routemaster a reality,” he said.

“The decision has now been made and we can look forward to a new icon of London that not only returns to the capital the joy of the open platform, but also utilises the latest state-of-the art green technology, slashing pollution and fuel consumption.”

While Wrightbus has been selected as the preferred manufacturer, a mandatory 10-day ‘standstill’ period has to elapse before the contract is signed and rubber stamped.

Wrightbus will now work on finalising the design with initial outlines expected in the New Year.