NI skipper jailed after two crew killed

A Northern Ireland skipper whose fishing vessel sank with the loss of two crew was jailed for a year today in the first case …

A Northern Ireland skipper whose fishing vessel sank with the loss of two crew was jailed for a year today in the first case of its type.

Conrad Zych (28), left the wheelhouse of the Greenhill10 minutes before it crashed into rocks near Ardglass, Co Down in January 2006.

Belfast Crown Court Judge Anthony Hart said the defendant was guilty of gross negligence.

Mr Zych was jailed for a year for two counts of manslaughter
Mr Zych was jailed for a year for two counts of manslaughter

Judge Hart said: "His failure to ensure that a proper look-out was kept amounted to gross negligence and led directly to this terrible tragedy."

Zych was sentenced for two counts of manslaughter, the first time the law has been applied in this way.

Crew members Donall Gibson (22) and Connor Bogues (26), were lost.

Mr Gibson's body was recovered. Mr Bogues has not been found.

Zych, from Downpatrick Road, Ardglass, left the wheelhouse to help prepare the prawn catch, a common practice at the time and linked to under-staffing of the boat.

Judge Hart said: "The economic pressures on the fishing industry in Northern Ireland and elsewhere in the UK are well-known, but whilst they may explain, they can never justify skippers neglecting essential safety precautions such as keeping a proper watch on the approach to a difficult harbour entrance in the dark and in deteriorating weather conditions as happened here.

"That the failure to keep a proper watch is a not uncommon practice cannot exculpate the defendant from punishment, nor should it affect the nature of the punishment.

"That is because it is essential for the safety and preservation of life at sea, particularly in the course of an occupation which is often dangerous, that high safety standards as required by law are maintained because the consequencesof a failure to do so can have such tragic consequences."