NIB to meet parties in An Post dispute today

The National Implementation Body (NIB) is this evening briefing both sides in the An Post dispute.

The National Implementation Body (NIB) is this evening briefing both sides in the An Post dispute .

The dispute between management at the company and the Communications Workers' Union (CWU) centres around the company's refusal to pay the full terms of Sustaining Progress.

In July, the Labour Court recommended that wage increases be linked to the work practice changes in collection and delivery. This was accepted by An Post but rejected by the union.

Following industrial action by CWU members at the company last week the union acceded to a request by the National Implementation Body (NIB) that the action be deferred pending an independent examination of costs in dispute between the parties.


Forensics accountant Paul Jacobs, of the firm Grant Thornton, was appointed by the NIB to examine how much it would cost the company to accede to the union's demands.

His report will be presented to both sides this evening and the NIB has requested the parties to treat it as confidential for a period of 24 hours after it is presented.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times