North Korea famine appeal under way

With starvation now threatening the lives of millions in North Korea, Trocaire and An Post are jointly raising funds for famine…

With starvation now threatening the lives of millions in North Korea, Trocaire and An Post are jointly raising funds for famine relief. Trocaire and An Post yesterday Together they launched an appeal yesterday for funds through post offices around the State. Donations will go immediately towards Trocaire's North Korean famine appeal. Special donation forms are available in every post office. Since July Trocaire has collected £1 million in donations, which is double its own target. The agency's Mr Garrett Casey said donations were now most urgent. Not only was food needed but, with the onset of winter, when the temperature can drop to 40C below freezing, blankets will also be a priority.

Trocaire is the only Irish agency with access to North Korea. Despite the famine, the country still has an efficient distribution system and the agency was confident all food was reaching those most in need. As well as the state distribution system, food donated by Trocaire is also distributed through the UN's World Food Programme.

Aid worker Ms Niamh O'Carroll, who has just returned from North Korea, Trocaire, said that, as well as blankets and rice, people would need multi-vitamins in order to survive the winter. Payments to the relief fund can be made directly across post office counters or by applying to Trocaire for a Trocaire/An Post "Tap" card, which speeds up donations.