Not quite Lemass

Here is the new sort of demand being made on politicians, and while it's not a plea for money or a personal appearance, it could…

Here is the new sort of demand being made on politicians, and while it's not a plea for money or a personal appearance, it could prove something of an embarrassment. Green deputies Trevor Sargent and John Gormley have written to all Oireachtas members asking them to leave their cars at home on Tuesday and come to the Dail by foot, train or lift. No mention of bus, mind you. The two environmentalists write that man-made climate change is threatening our future and while it can't be stopped, we can avoid catastrophe. By abandoning their cars our politicians can show they support action against global warming and mark the major world conference on climate change opening in Kyoto in Japan on Monday. Trevor travels to work from Balbriggan in north Co Dublin by train and bike; John cycles a mile from Irishtown to Leinster House.

By midweek the Greens had commitments from FG leader John Bruton that he will not use his car; from Labour leader Ruairi Quinn, who says he will take a bus from Sandymount as it is too dangerous to cycle on these dark days, and from DL leader Proinsias De Rossa who says he will walk. From Ballymun?

How others, who live at a distance from public transport and are too unfit to get there under their own steam, view the request remains to be seen. Not kindly, Quidnunc thinks.