Obama followers gather at Ha'penny Bridge

IRELAND: HILLARY CLINTON'S 10-point victory in the Pennsylvania primary has made it clear that approximately 793 superdelegates…

IRELAND:HILLARY CLINTON'S 10-point victory in the Pennsylvania primary has made it clear that approximately 793 superdelegates - elected representatives and party officers - will have the final say in deciding who will be the Democrats' presidential candidate.

One of those key superdelegates happens to live in Ireland, and has done so for the past 23 years.

Liv Lian Gibbons, who lives in Baldoyle and works as a management consultant, has been a superdelegate since 2004, when she became a member of the Democratic National Committee.

She is one of only eight superdelegates resident outside the US and one of four in Europe.


Yesterday Ms Gibbons was one of about 50 people wearing "Obama 08" T-shirts and stickers at the Ha'penny Bridge in Dublin.

The event was part of the "Bridges for Obama" project, which involves Barack Obama's supporters congregating at famous bridges around the world. The message is that he is capable of spanning divides in the US and in the wider world. The resulting images - taken from bridges such as the Rialto in Venice and the Pont Neuf in Paris - will be used to make a short film that will form part of his campaign.

Ms Gibbons publicly pledged for Mr Obama in the run-up to the Super Tuesday primaries on February 5th. "I pledged for Obama in late January, though I was leaning towards Obama for a long time," she said.

Professing herself delighted at the turnout yesterday, she said they all wanted to show that "our candidate is the best to heal the divide in America and in so many countries".

Human rights lawyer Moira Shipsey, from Massachusetts, said Mr Obama was the most impressive politician she had encountered in her lifetime.

"I read both of his books. I just liked him. I really came to know of him when he gave that speech [at the Democratic convention during the 2004 presidential campaign]. I liked him more and more," she said. "The more I see him, the more I like him."

In response to those who argue that the Illinois senator's oratorical skills cannot make up for his lack of experience, she said: "His [detractors] said that John F Kennedy wasn't up for it. Obviously he was.

"Obama has an incredible mind and intelligence. He has it all. He is exactly what America needs."

Harry McGee

Harry McGee

Harry McGee is a Political Correspondent with The Irish Times