Obama lead in US race slips to 3 points

Democrat Barack Obama's lead over Republican John McCain in the US presidential race has dropped to 3 points, according to a …

Democrat Barack Obama's lead over Republican John McCain in the US presidential race has dropped to 3 points, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released today.

Mr Obama leads Mr McCain by 48 to 45 per cent among likely US voters, down 1 percentage point from yesterday. The four-day tracking poll, which has a margin of error of 2.9 points.

Pollster John Zogby said the numbers were good news for Mr McCain, and probably reflected a bump following his appearance in the third and final presidential debate on Wednesday.

"For the first time in the polling McCain is up above 45 per cent. There is no question something has happened," Zogby said.

He said the Arizona senator appeared to have solidified his support with the Republican base -- where 9 out of 10 voters now back him -- and was also gaining ground among the independents who may play a decisive role in the November 4th election.

Mr Obama's lead among independent voters dropped to 8 points today from 16 points a day earlier.

"If that trend continues, it is something that has got to raise red flags for Obama," Zogby said. "It suggests to me that his outward look of confidence may be as much strategy as it is real."

Other national polls have given Mr Obama a double-digit overall lead, fueled by perceptions he would do a better job managing the faltering economy and unhappiness with Mr McCain's attacks on him over the past week.

But he has cautioned his supporters against overconfidence and most polls now put his lead in single digits.

Mr Obama (47) who would be the first black president, enjoys strong support among black, Hispanic, Catholic and Jewish voters while the 72-year-old Mr McCain holds a narrower lead among male and white voters.

Women, who are expected to be an important factor in the election, still favor Obama by a 6-point margin, although this has been declining in recent days.

Independent Ralph Nader drew 2 per cent support in the poll, conducted Saturday through Tuesday, while Libertarian Bob Barr registered 1 per cent, both little changed.

The rolling tracking poll surveyed 1,210 likely voters in the presidential election. In a tracking poll, the most recent day's results are added while the oldest day's results are dropped in an effort to track changing momentum.

The US president is determined not by the most votes nationally but by a majority of the Electoral College, which has 538 members allotted to all 50 states and the District of Columbia in proportion to their representation in Congress.
